(Lace Kimono: Forever 21, Blouse: Urban Outfitters, Scarf: Thrifted, Floral Pants: Urban Outfitters, Velvet Head Scarf: American Apparel, Mary Jane Heels: Chelsea Crew)
Sorry for the lack of outfit posts lately! I have been super busy with a huge project for a scholarship. In today's news, my mom and I have decided to get matching tattoos, and today at lunch we were trying to come up with what we both might want. We both really like the idea of getting a small, simple heart on our left wrists. Nothing too big, or too crazy. She's my best friend, and I would find it a complete honor to share something as permanent and meaningful as this with her. She has my heart, I have hers. Today we were phonies and drew fake ones where we want them to be. You can see mine in some of the pictures above. Anyway, knowing how big of a baby I am, not to mention my total fear when it comes to needles, I hope she and I both follow through with it! Haha. The scary part is, though, I know if I can stand one, I'll become addicted!
On a duller note, I have become informed today that the photo editor I use, Picnik, is shutting down. I absolutely love that photo site, and I have no idea what I am going to do when it actually closes for good on April 19th. If anyone knows of a photo editor with similar effects (and as user friendly!) as Picnik, please, please, please let me know! I would GREATLY appreciate it. Thanks! Xx
this outfit is just amazing! you have a really lovely look!
ReplyDeletevisit my blog and follow if you like!
thank you!
You've probably already found an alternative to picnik, but if you haven't tried picmonkey yet , it's practically the same thing! Love, love, love your blog and style!!