Tea Party

It's completely crazy to think that just two months ago, Anna, my best friend/roommate, and I had not yet moved to Auburn, and knew very few people that lived there. Now, we are constantly surrounded by new friends, who have taken us in with welcoming hearts, for which I cannot even begin to express my level of thankfulness. Not only are they wonderful people, but they also get into the quirky type things that she and I also enjoy. With that being said, Anna and I hosted our first shindig, a tea party with teacups and all, in our new home. The night was full of too much laughter, polaroid pictures, and tons of tea. Can't wait to share more of my Auburn adventures as they come!
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  1. It looks like you're having a fantastic time!
    Any tips for meeting new people in a new city?

  2. That looks like so much fun!!! I love your outfit and all the pictures look so cool :) I love tea :3
    <3 katie


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