(Shirt: J. Crew Factory, Button Up: Forever 21, Velvet Shorts: Asos, Heels: J. Crew, Bag: Kooba, Watch: Fossil)
I recently picked up this scalloped lace shirt from J. Crew Factory. I love the fabric and fit so much, that I also got it in charcoal and beige. The orange is very dominant, so for the most part, I kept the rest of the colors in the outfit rather neutral. I did, however, throw in one last pop of color with the soft aqua of the bag. I topped the ensemble off with some of my favorite jewels and some tortoise sunnies to match my heels, and voila!
You are amazing at putting things together. You take these random pieces that could easily be worn one by one and look good but you take them all and put together an awesome outfit. It sounds silly but that is such a skill. You are absolutely lovely.